How to install Android apps on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will install Waydroid and make it able to launch many Android apps on your computer. This tutorial has been tested on Ubuntu at the time of writing. For other Linux distributions, you can refer to the documentation links provided in this post.

Install Waydroid

The following instructions are from the official documentation of Waydroid.

Install pre-requisites:

sudo apt install curl ca-certificates

Add the Waydroid repository:

curl | sudo bash

Install Waydroid:

sudo apt install waydroid

Install Android images:

sudo waydroid init

Configure Waydroid to support window integration with the desktop:

waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.multi_windows true

At this stage, Waydroid still has no Google app support and is not able to run apps built for the ARM architectures.

Run Waydroid extras script

The repository waydroid_script contains a very convenient script to install Android extensions.

First, install pre-requisites:

sudo apt install git lzip python3 python3-pip

Download the script:

git clone

Install the Python requirements:

cd waydroid_script
sudo python3 -m pip install -r

Run the script:

sudo python
  1. The script should ask for the Android version. At the time of writing, Waydroid runs Android 11.
  2. Then, select the action: Install.
  3. Finally, select extensions using the Space bar, confirm with Enter:

Google Play Certification

When launching Waydroid with gapps the first time it will notify that the device is not certified for Google Play Protect.

First, run:

sudo waydroid shell

Inside the shell (#), type:

ANDROID_RUNTIME_ROOT=/apex/ ANDROID_DATA=/data ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT=/apex/ ANDROID_I18N_ROOT=/apex/ sqlite3 /data/data/ "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"

The result will look like this:


Copy the numbers and type exit then Enter.

Follow the instructions at . The changes may take a few minutes.

Restart Waydroid:

sudo waydroid container restart

Install Android apps

First, you need to ensure the Waydroid container and session are started.

waydroid status

To start the Waydroid container manually:

sudo waydroid container start

To start the Waydroid session manually (in a new terminal):

waydroid session start

Install an apk file:

waydroid app install xyz.apk

Launch Android apps

If you know the name of the app (e.g., you can launch it as follows:

waydroid app launch